Going Natural

One of the things that has been a big barrier to exercise is my hair. As an African American woman, my hairstyle is very important to me. I like to wear my hair straight and me + straight hair + exercise = I can't go out of the house. I have gained a lot of weight in the last 3 years and it has really taken a toll on my overall health. So I decided to go natural. It has been and exciting experience. I now know my curl pattern and more importantly I know where the bulk of my heat damage is. I have trimmed my ends, my hair is moisturized and I even colored a portion of my hair. The most difficult part of this journey is resisting the flat iron. I need abstain from heat for at least three week intervals. The other difficulty I have had is finding a hairstyle that I like and is easy to manage. So far I have tried, the bun-out, the roller set, the slicked back curly pony and the braid out. I will post pictures as I try new styles. I hope you will find this as an inspiration and if anything just information. Enjoy!

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