Natural Hair Update

My Natural Hair Wet

I am very OCD when it comes to my hair. For some reason, I just can't leave it alone especially when it's in a natural state. I tried no-heat hairstyles last year and maybe its me but it just never turns out right! Don't believe me? Ok.....

Hot steaming mess! No, I did NOT go out in public like this nor did I think these styles were cute. The roller set it something I would try again. I know what went wrong with it. Early in my hair journey, I was inspired by many natural hair gurus on youtube and they were very knowledgeable about their own hair. My hair is obviously different and needed a different approach. I either put too much moisture in or not enough plus my scalp was itching constantly.

I have decided to take a new approach to my natural hair........ i'm going to hide it! Not because I don't think it beautiful or because I don't want to deal with it. My hair needs a restraining order against my hands because I can do some serious damage if i'm left with gel, Hawaiian silky and rollers unsupervised. My new strategy it to wear hair extensions and to gently care for my leave-out. I am not a hairstylist. I'm simply a person who can accomplish anything I seriously want to. Plus, I don't have the money to go to the salon and get it done. I do my own weaves and they have turned out much better than my futile attempts a natural no-heat hairstyles.



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